Sauti Moja - USA is a US based charity (EIN 27-3779102), that has received IRS tax-exempt status under section 501 (c) 3. Sauti Moja-USA focuses on improving the lives of indigenous people in East Africa, especially women and children living at the margins of society. By working closely with community-based organizations in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda, we provide long-term opportunities for pastoralist individuals and families.

Sauti Moja - USA is a new partner of Sauti Moja - Canada (, a Canadian registered charity that has managed projects in Kenya and Tanzania for a number of years. Through our close relationship with Sauti Moja - Canada, we cooperate with communities to renew hope and ensure a secure future. In Tanzania and Kenya, two local agencies called Sauti Moja - Tanzania and Sauti Moja - Marsabit help us to achieve this mutual goal. It is through this unique global partnership that Sauti Moja - USA can work to raise awareness of the factors contributing to global injustice, and to facilitate change that leads to equitable and healthy communities.

Board Members of Sauti Moja - USA have visited all of the main projects administered through Sauti Moja - Tanzania and Sauti Moja - Marsabit, observing the effectiveness of their local programs and the efficiency with which funds are used. Therefore, we enter this partnership with confidence, and invite you to partner with us by providing financial support and by advocating for the rights of the oppressed.

  • Join the LECHE Project which is affordable, supports healthy development of Maasai preschoolers, and helps educate your children.
  • 1000 Widows Initiative – We’ve helped 161 vulnerable women become self-sufficient, so now we are targeting another 839 over the next three years!  More
  • Sponsors for child mothers are desperately needed!  More
  • Read about Sauti Moja’s role in famine recovery here.
  • Read about Sauti Moja’s response to global warming here.

Our Commitment to Stewardship & Relationships!

The 10% Target: We are committed to maintaining our Administrative Costs (including fundraising) in the USA and Canada to 10% so that more of your donation supports the communities and families that need it!

Personal relationships: The Managers have many years of experience in the communities where we work.  We know them and they know us, which is the basis for mutual trust and creating successful programs.

Sauti Moja 2010©

Website developed by Wind-Net with Sauti Moja